Player Awards


Week View
 January 2024 

Weekly awards for week 03, Jan 15-21 2024

Player Action Awards

ru Pure.Glass has the highest skill with 1812.00

Player with the highest skill

gb Rhynx has killed the most players (1,410)

Player with the most kills (any team)

gb Nman achieved the most bonus points (1,325)

Player that has achieved the most bonus points.

no Onkalo has killed the most teammates (196)

Player with the most friendly fire kills (ie: Worst Teammate)

us EthanBust has the highest team kill percentage (100.00%)

Player with the highest team kill percentage.

gb Rhynx has been online the longest (24:16:34)

Player with the most online time

us FriendlyCoop has the most sneaky backstabs (205)

Players that are sneaky and like to kill others from the shadows!

ru Bradley has captured the most flags (18)

Player has captured the most flags.

gb The Cloaker has defended the most flags (15)

Player who has defended (or returned) the most flags from the enemy.

Individual Weapon Awards

ru Floral Defence has the most Sentry (Level 3) kills (79)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 3)

us El Campesino has the most .40 dual elites kills (46)

Most kills with a .40 dual elites

cz Panáček has the most advanced archery kills (6)

Most kills with a advanced archery

sg stealthyshinobi2 has the most aimed agent kills (42)

Most kills with a aimed agent

gb dat zip zap has the most armstrongs kills (68)

Most kills with a armstrongs

us FriendlyCoop has the most assassin's assailant kills (41)

Most kills with a assassin's assailant

ru Зигхайлер has the most attitude adjuster kills (115)

Most kills with a attitude adjuster

gb Rhynx has the most australian assaulter kills (26)

Most kills with a australian assaulter

ru Raf has the most backwood modified bow kills (27)

Most kills with a backwood modified bow

by Pepega has the most baikal boomstick kills (44)

Most kills with a baikal boomstick

gb pebble has the most ballistic knife kills (6)

Most kills with a ballistic knife

us KeK has the most bar fighter kills (40)

Most kills with a bar fighter

gb Rhynx has the most bat kills (62)

Most kills with a bat

fr Bonnie344 has the most big buddy kills (44)

Most kills with a big buddy

ru Mr_Motal has the most blast resort kills (23)

Most kills with a blast resort

kz `MEDIC!!` has the most bonesaw kills (19)

Most kills with a bonesaw

ru Pure.Glass has the most boston barrel-breaker kills (39)

Most kills with a boston barrel-breaker

us Bumble Doof has the most brickhouse beatdown kills (42)

Most kills with a brickhouse beatdown

cz Panáček has the most burst rifle kills (31)

Most kills with a burst rifle

se SomethingDeveloper has the most carbine kills (11)

Most kills with a carbine

gb hector salamanca has the most chekhov kills (30)

Most kills with a chekhov

nl Mhoukkie has the most clean sweep kills (56)

Most kills with a clean sweep

hu TESCO 1984 has the most combat control kills (101)

Most kills with a combat control

tr Heavy! has the most combat rifle kills (27)

Most kills with a combat rifle

cz Drury has the most combatant directive kills (45)

Most kills with a combatant directive

ru the poopshitters has the most crown crusher kills (16)

Most kills with a crown crusher

es Fart in a Jar Martin has the most demolitions expert machinegun kills (26)

Most kills with a demolitions expert machinegun

ru Sevan has the most dirty bomb kills (135)

Most kills with a dirty bomb

it payk21214953 has the most doctor's self-care kills (131)

Most kills with a doctor's self-care

us KeK has the most double-barrel shotgun kills (75)

Most kills with a double-barrel shotgun

no Onkalo has the most double-tap kills (296)

Most kills with a double-tap

cz Drury has the most drunkard's wrath kills (98)

Most kills with a drunkard's wrath

cz Drury has the most electic electrocutor kills (22)

Most kills with a electic electrocutor

gb The One Of Wonders has the most elimination imperative kills (28)

Most kills with a elimination imperative

es Fart in a Jar Martin has the most enforcer's executioner kills (116)

Most kills with a enforcer's executioner

us Starzy has the most executive's dealbreaker kills (7)

Most kills with a executive's dealbreaker

tr 𝓙𝓱𝓲𝓷 has the most fal kills (28)

Most kills with a fal

gb Rhynx has the most festive twig (spy) kills (209)

Most kills with a festive twig (spy)

ru Elite Gibus has the most fighter's fury kills (51)

Most kills with a fighter's fury

us The_Hidden_Sandvitch137 has the most firearm kills (20)

Most kills with a firearm

ru | qadric has the most flamed feedback kills (62)

Most kills with a flamed feedback

hu Cerapter / Bonny has the most flamethrower kills (148)

Most kills with a flamethrower

hu Cerapter / Bonny has the most flaregun kills (23)

Most kills with a flaregun

ru | qadric has the most flight-breaker flakker kills (76)

Most kills with a flight-breaker flakker

us Doctor Drac has the most fourth degree devastator kills (128)

Most kills with a fourth degree devastator

gb Boaboa has the most gauss gun kills (24)

Most kills with a gauss gun

fi SirSuomiPoika has the most glasgow grinner kills (8)

Most kills with a glasgow grinner

ru Adskiu_Dro4ila has the most gravy maker kills (14)

Most kills with a gravy maker

no Onkalo has the most hard-hitting hardware kills (37)

Most kills with a hard-hitting hardware

ru Зигхайлер has the most haymaker-5000 kills (12)

Most kills with a haymaker-5000

ru costya has the most heart stopper kills (20)

Most kills with a heart stopper

gb pricklycactus543 has the most heater's spark eater kills (22)

Most kills with a heater's spark eater

gb Nman has the most heavy machine gun kills (145)

Most kills with a heavy machine gun

ru Vauper has the most hunter's blunder kills (45)

Most kills with a hunter's blunder

no Soup has the most hunterrifle kills (35)

Most kills with a hunterrifle

us Marshal has the most huntsman kills (193)

Most kills with a huntsman

us Ashtyn has the most inquisitor kills (8)

Most kills with a inquisitor

tr 𝓙𝓱𝓲𝓷 has the most iron boarder kills (45)

Most kills with a iron boarder

cz Panáček has the most jolly rancher kills (92)

Most kills with a jolly rancher

no Onkalo has the most kingslayer kills (92)

Most kills with a kingslayer

no Soup has the most knife kills (93)

Most kills with a knife

ru KиCиль has the most last laugh kills (19)

Most kills with a last laugh

ru V0TTAKV0T has the most maggot mutilator kills (19)

Most kills with a maggot mutilator

cz Panáček has the most magnetic horseshoe kills (4)

Most kills with a magnetic horseshoe

gb Doc True has the most major's mark kills (14)

Most kills with a major's mark

se Mt. Gorum has the most market gardener kills (27)

Most kills with a market gardener

gb Clutha has the most masterkey kills (9)

Most kills with a masterkey

ar Vror has the most meatshot eater kills (11)

Most kills with a meatshot eater

ru DadCoach has the most medical administration kills (61)

Most kills with a medical administration

gb The One Of Wonders has the most napalm blaster kills (50)

Most kills with a napalm blaster

ru Limpopo has the most number 29 kills (87)

Most kills with a number 29

no Gilgamesh nr.1 simp has the most oil baron's caretaker kills (172)

Most kills with a oil baron's caretaker

gb sand muncher has the most oppressive force kills (23)

Most kills with a oppressive force

ru Yperite has the most pistol_scout kills (5)

Most kills with a pistol_scout

ru Tyro has the most postal papers kills (8)

Most kills with a postal papers

pl Sol3d has the most practitioner's pride kills (14)

Most kills with a practitioner's pride

ru Sevan has the most prypiat papasha kills (117)

Most kills with a prypiat papasha

hu TESCO 1984 has the most pumpkindeath kills (122)

Most kills with a pumpkindeath

ar GORE 3D has the most rifleman's runt kills (50)

Most kills with a rifleman's runt

ru 434 трезубец has the most risky razors kills (4)

Most kills with a risky razors

ru MGE Pootis Engage RIV has the most rpg kills (32)

Most kills with a rpg

us FriendlyCoop has the most sacrificial stake kills (168)

Most kills with a sacrificial stake

cz Panáček has the most scatterbrain kills (45)

Most kills with a scatterbrain

gb Nman has the most scattergun kills (97)

Most kills with a scattergun

sa counterrty61 has the most searing sanctifier kills (67)

Most kills with a searing sanctifier

gb Nman has the most slam-fire kills (26)

Most kills with a slam-fire

us Sweppy has the most smg kills (75)

Most kills with a smg

ru MAPKyC has the most spas-12 (engineer) kills (80)

Most kills with a spas-12 (engineer)

us MartMarbles has the most spas-12 (scout) kills (21)

Most kills with a spas-12 (scout)

ua Vaptos has the most speedster's side-kick kills (13)

Most kills with a speedster's side-kick

se SomethingDeveloper has the most speedster's six-shooter kills (76)

Most kills with a speedster's six-shooter

gb Anakinhall06 has the most sphere kills (143)

Most kills with a sphere

gb Jackass♛ has the most spitfire kills (99)

Most kills with a spitfire

gb Anakinhall06 has the most spritzenwerfer kills (9)

Most kills with a spritzenwerfer

ru _v has the most striker's shank kills (24)

Most kills with a striker's shank

us spaceturtle has the most taser kills (7)

Most kills with a taser

fi No. has the most ten-gauge terror kills (67)

Most kills with a ten-gauge terror

ru Bradley has the most texas strongmann kills (35)

Most kills with a texas strongmann

gb Rhynx has the most timely demise kills (21)

Most kills with a timely demise

us Midnight Star has the most titanium torcher kills (25)

Most kills with a titanium torcher

hu TESCO 1984 has the most traumahawk kills (2)

Most kills with a traumahawk

ru ноль в кубе has the most trench shank kills (26)

Most kills with a trench shank

us KeK has the most trench sweeper kills (103)

Most kills with a trench sweeper

us Tech35 has the most un-chained fury kills (32)

Most kills with a un-chained fury

ru Sewer Goblin has the most vintage second amendment kills (39)

Most kills with a vintage second amendment

es Fart in a Jar Martin has the most w.a.l.l kills (54)

Most kills with a w.a.l.l

ru Rondol has the most warsaw fact kills (80)

Most kills with a warsaw fact

ru _GHOST_ has the most welfare check kills (14)

Most kills with a welfare check

no Onkalo has the most Death (Bleed) kills (26)

Most kills with a Death (Bleed)

us lord ham has the most Death (Generic Bomb) kills (8)

Most kills with a Death (Generic Bomb)

gb Rhynx has the most Death (Jumppad Stomp) kills (11)

Most kills with a Death (Jumppad Stomp)

pl Von Tarkin has the most Dynamite Pack kills (16)

Most kills with a Dynamite Pack

pl Von Tarkin has the most Dynamite Pack (Bomblet) kills (22)

Most kills with a Dynamite Pack (Bomblet)

it InsertNameHerman has the most Grenade (Pipebomb) kills (80)

Most kills with a Grenade (Pipebomb)

ru ScrrtScout has the most Grenade (Sticky Bomb) kills (61)

Most kills with a Grenade (Sticky Bomb)

ru Here ➜ has the most Projectile (Rocket) kills (136)

Most kills with a Projectile (Rocket)

ru Bradley has the most Sentry (Level 1) kills (62)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 1)

gb Nman has the most Sentry (Level 2) kills (42)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 2)

ru Bradley has the most Shotgun (Engineer) kills (142)

Most kills with a Shotgun (Engineer)

gb The Cloaker has the most Shotgun (Soldier) kills (22)

Most kills with a Shotgun (Soldier)

ru Sevan has the most Taunt Kill (Heavy) kills (10)

Most kills with a Taunt Kill (Heavy)

pl naskarpatymp3 has the most alchemist's acid-wash kills (9)

Most kills with a alchemist's acid-wash

br Gockoo tf2 has the most arisaka assault kills (95)

Most kills with a arisaka assault

no Onkalo has the most bigger stick kills (35)

Most kills with a bigger stick

sa counterrty61 has the most buzz-killing machine kills (16)

Most kills with a buzz-killing machine

gb hector salamanca has the most control freak kills (11)

Most kills with a control freak

us bl8demast3r has the most crowbar kills (76)

Most kills with a crowbar

ru Jotaro Kujo has the most doubleshotgun kills (47)

Most kills with a doubleshotgun

az Ashley Graves has the most firestarter kills (13)

Most kills with a firestarter

ru DadCoach has the most flare launcher kills (19)

Most kills with a flare launcher

us Senor wok has the most gun-show kills (16)

Most kills with a gun-show

us doby has the most household blazer kills (36)

Most kills with a household blazer

us CrimsonSquadron has the most insanerator kills (3)

Most kills with a insanerator

gb Anakinhall06 has the most iron will kills (50)

Most kills with a iron will

gb Jackass♛ has the most landsknecht's long-knife kills (115)

Most kills with a landsknecht's long-knife

ua Universal Phantom has the most operational foxhounds kills (22)

Most kills with a operational foxhounds

fi No. has the most pacificateur kills (49)

Most kills with a pacificateur

gb Clutha has the most pistol kills (9)

Most kills with a pistol

ru Pure.Glass has the most problem solver kills (59)

Most kills with a problem solver

kz `MEDIC!!` has the most proof of authority kills (72)

Most kills with a proof of authority

gb Anakinhall06 has the most reconstruction syrup (melee) kills (2)

Most kills with a reconstruction syrup (melee)

hu Cerapter / Bonny has the most spark shower kills (81)

Most kills with a spark shower

us Garlargagaboo has the most spas-12 (civilian) kills (45)

Most kills with a spas-12 (civilian)

br Gockoo tf2 has the most standard issue kills (21)

Most kills with a standard issue

ru смертник has the most taunt_spy kills (3)

Most kills with a taunt_spy

gb The One Of Wonders has the most Anti-Aircraft Gun kills (50)

Most kills with a Anti-Aircraft Gun

nl Mhoukkie has the most Shotgun (Pyro) kills (225)

Most kills with a Shotgun (Pyro)

ru X-on has the most crucible long sword kills (40)

Most kills with a crucible long sword

nl Uber has the most deep dive kills (23)

Most kills with a deep dive

us bl8demast3r has the most direct source kills (10)

Most kills with a direct source

ru MAPKyC has the most mann-power kills (30)

Most kills with a mann-power

pl JAGUAR Gaming has the most fishwhacker kills (12)

Most kills with a fishwhacker

es Fart in a Jar Martin has the most gloves of running urgently kills (13)

Most kills with a gloves of running urgently

us ArbiterRegnant has the most homerun kills (16)

Most kills with a homerun

us Sweppy has the most karate! kills (183)

Most kills with a karate!

us KeK has the most lil' mate kills (23)

Most kills with a lil' mate

cl Foxsome! UwU has the most nailgun kills (63)

Most kills with a nailgun

ru Jotaro Kujo has the most propain kills (57)

Most kills with a propain

ru Зигхайлер has the most protonium ray-caster kills (25)

Most kills with a protonium ray-caster

us miguel_mtz22 has the most sandmate kills (2)

Most kills with a sandmate

by Cake25217 has the most solar flare kills (15)

Most kills with a solar flare

ua SpringIvan_42 has the most spas-12 (sniper) kills (46)

Most kills with a spas-12 (sniper)

us NieR Gaming has the most timeless terrorizer kills (24)

Most kills with a timeless terrorizer

ua Девид Блейн has the most unusual unholy reckoning kills (38)

Most kills with a unusual unholy reckoning

nl Uber has the most viewfinder kills (13)

Most kills with a viewfinder

br Gockoo tf2 has the most bostonian bolter kills (23)

Most kills with a bostonian bolter

ru Pure.Glass has the most bottle kills (76)

Most kills with a bottle

ru Jotaro Kujo has the most chemical catastrophe kills (61)

Most kills with a chemical catastrophe

cr Joker from Fortnite has the most cutting devotion kills (26)

Most kills with a cutting devotion

ru Limpopo has the most honcho hunter kills (52)

Most kills with a honcho hunter

es Fart in a Jar Martin has the most hydraulic hammers kills (18)

Most kills with a hydraulic hammers

gb Jackass♛ has the most killing gloves of boxing kills (13)

Most kills with a killing gloves of boxing

us Dr. Gonepostal298 has the most madman's mauser kills (9)

Most kills with a madman's mauser

kz BAHURCHIK has the most modern compound kills (42)

Most kills with a modern compound

us Quixandro has the most patashka pounder kills (110)

Most kills with a patashka pounder

us rwrangler05 has the most tranq kills (7)

Most kills with a tranq

gb Rhynx has the most Shotgun (Heavy) kills (35)

Most kills with a Shotgun (Heavy)

ru Raf has the most Taunt Kill (Dynamite Pack) kills (13)

Most kills with a Taunt Kill (Dynamite Pack)

gb shadow14566 has the most acolyte's armament kills (8)

Most kills with a acolyte's armament

at chocy milk addict has the most backhand kills (31)

Most kills with a backhand

hu Cerapter / Bonny has the most arsonist's highlighter kills (13)

Most kills with a arsonist's highlighter

us Ejcreeper has the most bilbo-baggin's bazooka kills (73)

Most kills with a bilbo-baggin's bazooka

gb The Cloaker has the most blood donor kills (74)

Most kills with a blood donor

ru Tyro has the most bobby's baton kills (76)

Most kills with a bobby's baton

us King De has the most broken mann's legacy kills (37)

Most kills with a broken mann's legacy

ua Universal Phantom has the most chef jenkins kills (26)

Most kills with a chef jenkins

sg stealthyshinobi2 has the most contract killer kills (10)

Most kills with a contract killer

ru МГЕ яйцеклетка has the most festive twig (scout) kills (5)

Most kills with a festive twig (scout)

gb Federal_Dmann has the most grimm omen kills (29)

Most kills with a grimm omen

bg DarkFrend has the most judge death kills (76)

Most kills with a judge death

ru Зигхайлер has the most ol' brimstone kills (39)

Most kills with a ol' brimstone

ua Maxb1712 has the most peebee and jay kills (14)

Most kills with a peebee and jay

dk Picanto Piñata has the most texas two step kills (23)

Most kills with a texas two step

ru THE BOOF has the most twisted champion's blade kills (41)

Most kills with a twisted champion's blade

us Dipshit has the most umbrella kills (48)

Most kills with a umbrella

gb Nman has the most wrench kills (10)

Most kills with a wrench

gb Rhynx has the most buck's banter kills (19)

Most kills with a buck's banter

gb Rhynx has the most club kills (20)

Most kills with a club

us Veggietales Scat Hentai has the most corrosive canister kills (7)

Most kills with a corrosive canister

ua Universal Phantom has the most dmitrov demolisher kills (14)

Most kills with a dmitrov demolisher

ua SpringIvan_42 has the most slithering shank kills (16)

Most kills with a slithering shank

gb Clutha has the most spas-12 (soldier) kills (13)

Most kills with a spas-12 (soldier)

se SomethingDeveloper has the most tactician's talibong kills (5)

Most kills with a tactician's talibong

it payk21214953 has the most taunt_medic kills (6)

Most kills with a taunt_medic

sa counterrty61 has the most aggressive frontier kills (48)

Most kills with a aggressive frontier

gb Rhynx has the most airburst rifle kills (88)

Most kills with a airburst rifle

us Sexy Toaster has the most arbalest's bolter kills (3)

Most kills with a arbalest's bolter

at chocy milk addict has the most backup plan kills (30)

Most kills with a backup plan

ru costya has the most brute basher kills (29)

Most kills with a brute basher

us bl8demast3r has the most eviction notice kills (6)

Most kills with a eviction notice

sg stealthyshinobi2 has the most frag grenade kills (19)

Most kills with a frag grenade

fi No. has the most grim charger kills (8)

Most kills with a grim charger

ro gort has the most hunter killer kills (166)

Most kills with a hunter killer

sa counterrty61 has the most ironclad construction kills (11)

Most kills with a ironclad construction

us Hel has the most jump-action shotgun kills (317)

Most kills with a jump-action shotgun

hu TESCO 1984 has the most minigun kills (135)

Most kills with a minigun

ua _ARAKUZ_OwO has the most throwing knives kills (10)

Most kills with a throwing knives

gb Rhynx has the most ubersaw kills (68)

Most kills with a ubersaw

no Onkalo has the most caber toss kills (117)

Most kills with a caber toss

ru Jotaro Kujo has the most taunt_pyro kills (5)

Most kills with a taunt_pyro

us Veggietales Scat Hentai has the most battle axe kills (8)

Most kills with a battle axe

gb Federal_Dmann has the most construction expert kills (7)

Most kills with a construction expert

gb Violet has the most festive twig (demoman) kills (5)

Most kills with a festive twig (demoman)

gb Rhynx has the most fireaxe kills (25)

Most kills with a fireaxe

br Gockoo tf2 has the most angarsk ballista kills (28)

Most kills with a angarsk ballista

fr Gabriel has the most cyclops kills (28)

Most kills with a cyclops

us I am currently evading the IRS has the most festive twig (soldier) kills (54)

Most kills with a festive twig (soldier)

za QuiteMedal has the most freehand's misbrand kills (4)

Most kills with a freehand's misbrand

br DemoCrab has the most spas-12 (heavy) kills (6)

Most kills with a spas-12 (heavy)

gb Rhynx has the most taunt_sniper kills (10)

Most kills with a taunt_sniper

ru costya has the most harvester kills (34)

Most kills with a harvester

no Soup has the most revolver kills (18)

Most kills with a revolver

us 76561199116400602 has the most whine opener kills (40)

Most kills with a whine opener

az Ashley Graves has the most az Ashley Graves kills (1)

Most kills with a Ashley Graves

ru Mollan has the most primed directive kills (10)

Most kills with a primed directive

it Focacciadelmattino has the most spanner kills (15)

Most kills with a spanner

us Dr. Gonepostal298 has the most 7.62mm machine gun kills (32)

Most kills with a 7.62mm machine gun

fr Décathlon Antifa has the most dead manns hand kills (3)

Most kills with a dead manns hand

ru Зигхайлер has the most nail storm kills (62)

Most kills with a nail storm

fr Décathlon Antifa has the most spotter kills (2)

Most kills with a spotter

us Bumble Doof has the most lord of the house kills (5)

Most kills with a lord of the house

us Your-Boy-Justa has the most second-hand surgeon kills (6)

Most kills with a second-hand surgeon

ru Yperite has the most ultimatum kills (24)

Most kills with a ultimatum

ru Yperite has the most Deflect (Rocket) kills (6)

Most kills with a Deflect (Rocket)

br Red has the most assassinator kills (7)

Most kills with a assassinator

ru igorka5.exe has the most dispenserizer kills (13)

Most kills with a dispenserizer

ru X-on has the most frag master kills (26)

Most kills with a frag master

ar Vror has the most surgical precision kills (72)

Most kills with a surgical precision

gb sand muncher has the most taxpayer's collector kills (129)

Most kills with a taxpayer's collector

ru Yperite has the most Deflect (Sticky Bomb) kills (4)

Most kills with a Deflect (Sticky Bomb)

us save tf2 Mae (fried pansexual) has the most festive twig (engineer) kills (1)

Most kills with a festive twig (engineer)

fr JustaBadPlaya has the most gorey gladiator kills (3)

Most kills with a gorey gladiator

us Da Doom Man has the most assault cannon kills (24)

Most kills with a assault cannon

ru X-on has the most centurion command kills (3)

Most kills with a centurion command

by Pepega has the most royal flush (spy) kills (3)

Most kills with a royal flush (spy)

gb sand muncher has the most veles kills (37)

Most kills with a veles

se Vartina Riari has the most Syringe Gun kills (11)

Most kills with a Syringe Gun

gb Anakinhall06 has the most bushman's tracker kills (2)

Most kills with a bushman's tracker

gb Clutha has the most shovel kills (82)

Most kills with a shovel

ru X-on has the most coilgun kills (10)

Most kills with a coilgun

no Onkalo has the most peacemaker kills (46)

Most kills with a peacemaker

gb Munchy has the most telefrag kills (3)

Most kills with a telefrag

us Sweppy has the most poacher's pride kills (113)

Most kills with a poacher's pride

ru Quix has the most didgeridoom kills (2)

Most kills with a didgeridoom

gb ethan has the most tf_projectile_sentryrocket kills (1)

Most kills with a tf_projectile_sentryrocket

us Veggietales Scat Hentai has the most festive twig (sniper) kills (7)

Most kills with a festive twig (sniper)

nl Mhoukkie has the most ignition charge kills (202)

Most kills with a ignition charge

us Marshal has the most moyai kills (4)

Most kills with a moyai

us unknown_grandma has the most festive twig (heavy) kills (2)

Most kills with a festive twig (heavy)

es (Carta) has the most saboteur kills (5)

Most kills with a saboteur

pe Unconventional healing methods has the most blood moon kills (4)

Most kills with a blood moon

ro gort has the most ant-a-jar kills (4)

Most kills with a ant-a-jar

gb Anakinhall06 has the most saratov survivalist kills (41)

Most kills with a saratov survivalist

cl Foxsome! UwU has the most deflect_arrow kills (1)

Most kills with a deflect_arrow

gb WarlordsOnly has the most hack n' slasher kills (21)

Most kills with a hack n' slasher

gb Doc True has the most scottish steel kills (43)

Most kills with a scottish steel

gb Doc True has the most unusual tale of tragedy kills (19)

Most kills with a unusual tale of tragedy

ru Pure.Glass has the most deflect_brick kills (1)

Most kills with a deflect_brick

by bot 1 has the most self-defense kills (1)

Most kills with a self-defense

gb Clutha has the most iron curtain kills (139)

Most kills with a iron curtain

us RandomLatinName has the most medical kit? kills (1)

Most kills with a medical kit?

br LOPEN has the most spas-12 (pyro) kills (17)

Most kills with a spas-12 (pyro)

ru X-on has the most deflect_tranq kills (1)

Most kills with a deflect_tranq

ru Pure.Glass has the most fists kills (12)

Most kills with a fists

no Gilgamesh nr.1 simp has the most original kills (309)

Most kills with a original

cz Drury has the most proxymine kills (232)

Most kills with a proxymine

no Soup has the most mantreads kills (1)

Most kills with a mantreads

ru Sevan has the most deflect_rocket_sentry kills (2)

Most kills with a deflect_rocket_sentry

us The Microwave has the most lamplighter kills (13)

Most kills with a lamplighter

cz Panáček has the most scouting striker kills (182)

Most kills with a scouting striker

ru pank40542 has the most festive twig (pyro) kills (1)

Most kills with a festive twig (pyro)

fr Magnus Dongus has the most deflect_coilgun kills (1)

Most kills with a deflect_coilgun

ru B.W.C. has the most deflect_sticky kills (1)

Most kills with a deflect_sticky

ua Alller has the most trailblazer kills (152)

Most kills with a trailblazer

cl Foxsome! UwU has the most brick kills (13)

Most kills with a brick

ru X-on has the most shot kills (13)

Most kills with a shot

us Solaire has the most aagun kills (1)

Most kills with a aagun

us Nire has the most barbarian's blasting bucket kills (11)

Most kills with a barbarian's blasting bucket

ru Oxy_Zen has the most festive twig (civilian) kills (14)

Most kills with a festive twig (civilian)

hu Scr4mbl3d has the most hu Scr4mbl3d kills (13)

Most kills with a Scr4mbl3d

ru MokoronDrake has the most festive twig (medic) kills (1)

Most kills with a festive twig (medic)

us Spagward has the most mirv kills (1)

Most kills with a mirv

us Wallace and Gromit has the most deflect_flare kills (1)

Most kills with a deflect_flare