Player Awards


Week View
 March 2025 

Weekly awards for week 14, Mar 31 2025 - Apr 06 2025

Player Action Awards

us Mr E. Lander has the highest skill with 4311.89

Player with the highest skill

gb Martin has killed the most players (84)

Player with the most kills (any team)

us Pacfireball achieved the most bonus points (370)

Player that has achieved the most bonus points.

gb Abyssal has killed the most teammates (15)

Player with the most friendly fire kills (ie: Worst Teammate)

pe has the highest team kill percentage (100.00%)

Player with the highest team kill percentage.

us Pacfireball has been online the longest (01:05:39)

Player with the most online time

us Crow has the most sneaky backstabs (2)

Players that are sneaky and like to kill others from the shadows!

Individual Weapon Awards

gb Abyssal has the most .40 dual elites kills (4)

Most kills with a .40 dual elites

us White Baron has the most engraving ripsaw kills (6)

Most kills with a engraving ripsaw

ca Pizza Pasta has the most nailgun kills (2)

Most kills with a nailgun

tn ICEcube #FIXTF2 has the most rifleman's runt kills (1)

Most kills with a rifleman's runt

us Pacfireball has the most rpg kills (4)

Most kills with a rpg

tn ICEcube #FIXTF2 has the most timeless terrorizer kills (2)

Most kills with a timeless terrorizer

ca Pizza Pasta has the most 50k volt kills (1)

Most kills with a 50k volt

us Doctor Drac has the most afterburner kills (8)

Most kills with a afterburner

us scapegoat has the most angry boom tube kills (8)

Most kills with a angry boom tube

gb Abyssal has the most assault cannon kills (16)

Most kills with a assault cannon

gb Abyssal has the most australian assaulter kills (1)

Most kills with a australian assaulter

us twitterbird101 has the most backhand kills (3)

Most kills with a backhand

us Stalin the Cart has the most backup plan kills (1)

Most kills with a backup plan

de UnheardPope has the most de UnheardPope kills (1)

Most kills with a UnheardPope

us Mr E. Lander has the most buck's banter kills (3)

Most kills with a buck's banter

de UnheardPope has the most check printer kills (1)

Most kills with a check printer

de UnheardPope has the most chef jenkins kills (1)

Most kills with a chef jenkins

us Stalin the Cart has the most chicago typewriter kills (1)

Most kills with a chicago typewriter

pl Garry#sextf2 has the most combat control kills (9)

Most kills with a combat control

gb Abyssal has the most contractor's exclusive kills (5)

Most kills with a contractor's exclusive

pl Garry#sextf2 has the most crowbar kills (20)

Most kills with a crowbar

us Pacfireball has the most cyclops kills (3)

Most kills with a cyclops

gb Martin has the most demolitions expert machinegun kills (1)

Most kills with a demolitions expert machinegun

pl Garry#sextf2 has the most dirty bomb kills (13)

Most kills with a dirty bomb

us Pacfireball has the most double-barrel shotgun kills (3)

Most kills with a double-barrel shotgun

de UnheardPope has the most double-tap kills (1)

Most kills with a double-tap

us oom has the most downtown defiler kills (3)

Most kills with a downtown defiler

gb Martin has the most drunkard's wrath kills (18)

Most kills with a drunkard's wrath

de UnheardPope has the most eephus kills (1)

Most kills with a eephus

ca Pizza Pasta has the most efficient eliminator kills (2)

Most kills with a efficient eliminator

us Pacfireball has the most firearm kills (1)

Most kills with a firearm

gb Martin has the most flare launcher kills (14)

Most kills with a flare launcher

gb Abyssal has the most flight-breaker flakker kills (2)

Most kills with a flight-breaker flakker

us twitterbird101 has the most frag grenade kills (1)

Most kills with a frag grenade

gb Martin has the most hard-hitting hardware kills (14)

Most kills with a hard-hitting hardware

us Russian Empire has the most honcho hunter kills (6)

Most kills with a honcho hunter

ca Pizza Pasta has the most hunterrifle kills (2)

Most kills with a hunterrifle

ru начальник_сТРАХА has the most hydraulic hammers kills (1)

Most kills with a hydraulic hammers

ru начальник_сТРАХА has the most insanerator kills (1)

Most kills with a insanerator

us twitterbird101 has the most iron will kills (2)

Most kills with a iron will

us twitterbird101 has the most jolly rancher kills (3)

Most kills with a jolly rancher

us twitterbird101 has the most karate! kills (1)

Most kills with a karate!

us Billy The Kid RS™ has the most krakpot's krinkov kills (2)

Most kills with a krakpot's krinkov

us twitterbird101 has the most major's mark kills (3)

Most kills with a major's mark

us MR E has the most maniac's massacre machine kills (17)

Most kills with a maniac's massacre machine

pl Garry#sextf2 has the most mantreads kills (1)

Most kills with a mantreads

ru начальник_сТРАХА has the most meteor shower kills (5)

Most kills with a meteor shower

pl Garry#sextf2 has the most ol' brimstone kills (6)

Most kills with a ol' brimstone

us twitterbird101 has the most operational foxhounds kills (8)

Most kills with a operational foxhounds

ar Fredd 597 has the most phazer b33/m kills (5)

Most kills with a phazer b33/m

gb Martin has the most propain kills (4)

Most kills with a propain

us Pacfireball has the most proxymine kills (1)

Most kills with a proxymine

us Russian Empire has the most prypiat papasha kills (1)

Most kills with a prypiat papasha

de UnheardPope has the most quad-radical detonator kills (1)

Most kills with a quad-radical detonator

pl Garry#sextf2 has the most ruchnaya pushka kills (14)

Most kills with a ruchnaya pushka

us arwood2244 has the most saboteur's sabre kills (1)

Most kills with a saboteur's sabre

gb Martin has the most searing sanctifier kills (1)

Most kills with a searing sanctifier

us Russian Empire has the most shellraiser kills (5)

Most kills with a shellraiser

de UnheardPope has the most solar flare kills (1)

Most kills with a solar flare

us Pacfireball has the most spas-12 (pyro) kills (3)

Most kills with a spas-12 (pyro)

gb Martin has the most speedster's side-kick kills (1)

Most kills with a speedster's side-kick

us scapegoat has the most steel commander kills (1)

Most kills with a steel commander

pl Garry#sextf2 has the most throwing knives kills (3)

Most kills with a throwing knives

us Joe has the most titanium torcher kills (3)

Most kills with a titanium torcher

us Russian Empire has the most trench sweeper kills (9)

Most kills with a trench sweeper

us Pacfireball has the most vintage second amendment kills (1)

Most kills with a vintage second amendment

gb Abyssal has the most gb Abyssal kills (2)

Most kills with a Abyssal

tn ICEcube #FIXTF2 has the most Anti-Aircraft Gun kills (11)

Most kills with a Anti-Aircraft Gun

gb Martin has the most Death (Bleed) kills (12)

Most kills with a Death (Bleed)

us scapegoat has the most Deflect (Sticky Bomb) kills (1)

Most kills with a Deflect (Sticky Bomb)

us Pacfireball has the most Sentry (Level 1) kills (2)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 1)

us Pacfireball has the most Sentry (Level 2) kills (4)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 2)

jp Vincent van Gogh has the most Sentry (Level 3) kills (1)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 3)

us Crow has the most adjudicator kills (4)

Most kills with a adjudicator

us NESgamerboy has the most aggressive frontier kills (1)

Most kills with a aggressive frontier

gb Martin has the most bottle kills (2)

Most kills with a bottle

ca Pizza Pasta has the most deep dive kills (3)

Most kills with a deep dive

us Doctor Drac has the most doubleshotgun kills (1)

Most kills with a doubleshotgun

ru prokudine05 has the most hunter killer kills (1)

Most kills with a hunter killer

us Doctor Drac has the most mechanic burst pistol kills (1)

Most kills with a mechanic burst pistol

ru prokudine05 has the most medical administration kills (2)

Most kills with a medical administration

us NESgamerboy has the most molotok kills (3)

Most kills with a molotok

us NESgamerboy has the most pocket mortar kills (2)

Most kills with a pocket mortar

gb Martin has the most primed directive kills (4)

Most kills with a primed directive

us Crow has the most proof of authority kills (2)

Most kills with a proof of authority

us Mr E. Lander has the most standard issue kills (1)

Most kills with a standard issue

us Doctor Drac has the most tactigatling kills (1)

Most kills with a tactigatling

ca Pizza Pasta has the most taser kills (1)

Most kills with a taser

us Eyedol9000 has the most arctic warfare patroller kills (1)

Most kills with a arctic warfare patroller

us Roren has the most barrakada kills (3)

Most kills with a barrakada

us Pacfireball has the most blood boiler kills (5)

Most kills with a blood boiler

us Pacfireball has the most boston barrel-breaker kills (20)

Most kills with a boston barrel-breaker

ca cheesygod1234 has the most chaingun kills (8)

Most kills with a chaingun

us Eyedol9000 has the most direct source kills (1)

Most kills with a direct source

us Pacfireball has the most elimination imperative kills (1)

Most kills with a elimination imperative

us Eyedol9000 has the most gaelic gibber kills (3)

Most kills with a gaelic gibber

us Provided has the most gang-rat's greaser kills (8)

Most kills with a gang-rat's greaser

gb ash the proto has the most gb ash the proto kills (1)

Most kills with a ash the proto

us Eyedol9000 has the most mechanical maulers kills (2)

Most kills with a mechanical maulers

us Pacfireball has the most pistol_scout kills (2)

Most kills with a pistol_scout

gb ash the proto has the most quad-off kills (1)

Most kills with a quad-off

us oom has the most royal flush (spy) kills (2)

Most kills with a royal flush (spy)

us oom has the most super syringe gun kills (1)

Most kills with a super syringe gun

us Roren has the most contract killer kills (1)

Most kills with a contract killer

us Roren has the most control freak kills (1)

Most kills with a control freak

us Roren has the most eviction notice kills (1)

Most kills with a eviction notice

us Eyedol9000 has the most reznov's butcher kills (1)

Most kills with a reznov's butcher