Player Awards


Week View
 March 2025 

Weekly awards for week 13, Mar 24-30 2025

Player Action Awards

us El Campesino has the highest skill with 8496.00

Player with the highest skill

no Onkalo has killed the most players (796)

Player with the most kills (any team)

ru Business Cat | #UpdateTF2 achieved the most bonus points (485)

Player that has achieved the most bonus points.

no Onkalo has killed the most teammates (103)

Player with the most friendly fire kills (ie: Worst Teammate)

no R@ has the highest team kill percentage (100.00%)

Player with the highest team kill percentage.

no Onkalo has been online the longest (10:22:40)

Player with the most online time

ru BaBaraBoss has the most sneaky backstabs (43)

Players that are sneaky and like to kill others from the shadows!

fi Yellow has captured the most flags (4)

Player has captured the most flags.

us I1eqal has defended the most flags (6)

Player who has defended (or returned) the most flags from the enemy.

Individual Weapon Awards

us GKWINNER has the most ace-2 pocket pistol kills (4)

Most kills with a ace-2 pocket pistol

ru cat(f2p) has the most 50k volt kills (9)

Most kills with a 50k volt

us Shara has the most afterburner kills (124)

Most kills with a afterburner

ru ム X_foks ム has the most airburst rifle kills (18)

Most kills with a airburst rifle

gb JU-87 luftwaffle(S.R.N 4) has the most alchemist's acid-wash kills (13)

Most kills with a alchemist's acid-wash

fr LyredeezNutz has the most alcoholic armaments kills (8)

Most kills with a alcoholic armaments

gb Boaboa has the most anchor kills (14)

Most kills with a anchor

us Johnny cash has the most angry boom tube kills (51)

Most kills with a angry boom tube

us Johnathan HellDiver has the most arisaka assault kills (64)

Most kills with a arisaka assault

ie TheFoxWhoLaughed has the most backhand kills (35)

Most kills with a backhand

us Golfing Threat has the most bigger stick kills (24)

Most kills with a bigger stick

ru zaraza has the most bilbo-baggin's bazooka kills (24)

Most kills with a bilbo-baggin's bazooka

ru BaBaraBoss has the most blast resort kills (5)

Most kills with a blast resort

vn Faith has the most blood boiler kills (34)

Most kills with a blood boiler

tr TheRoseJr. has the most bolshevik bomber kills (8)

Most kills with a bolshevik bomber

no Onkalo has the most bonesaw kills (9)

Most kills with a bonesaw

cz s-M has the most boston barrel-breaker kills (92)

Most kills with a boston barrel-breaker

no Soup has the most bottle kills (10)

Most kills with a bottle

us GooberJed has the most us GooberJed kills (2)

Most kills with a GooberJed

fr Dullscythe has the most brick kills (4)

Most kills with a brick

gb order66.exe has the most buck's banter kills (21)

Most kills with a buck's banter

pl MarSen has the most burst rifle kills (14)

Most kills with a burst rifle

ie Cat Planet (●´ω`●) has the most caber toss kills (11)

Most kills with a caber toss

gb Toxicity has the most carbine kills (14)

Most kills with a carbine

us Johnathan HellDiver has the most chain grinder kills (36)

Most kills with a chain grinder

de Mimikyu has the most chaingun kills (39)

Most kills with a chaingun

br Heavy has the most chef jenkins kills (9)

Most kills with a chef jenkins

us Obsidian has the most chekhov kills (17)

Most kills with a chekhov

pl Roche Hendson has the most combat control kills (12)

Most kills with a combat control

us Uncle Grandpa (uncle/grandpa) has the most contract killer kills (3)

Most kills with a contract killer

ru RVYZ has the most contractor's exclusive kills (21)

Most kills with a contractor's exclusive

us Shara has the most corporate enforcer kills (41)

Most kills with a corporate enforcer

gb Toxicity has the most crowbar kills (9)

Most kills with a crowbar

ru Jotaro Kujo has the most cutting devotion kills (13)

Most kills with a cutting devotion

gb Boaboa has the most d1s-plac3r kills (114)

Most kills with a d1s-plac3r

ru ⱤɆĐ₥Ø has the most davie's crocket kills (8)

Most kills with a davie's crocket

de Zuki has the most deep dive kills (4)

Most kills with a deep dive

ua The Senate has the most demolitions expert machinegun kills (27)

Most kills with a demolitions expert machinegun

us Obsidian has the most dirty bomb kills (89)

Most kills with a dirty bomb

ru ム X_foks ム has the most double-barrel shotgun kills (82)

Most kills with a double-barrel shotgun

be Halycon has the most doubleshotgun kills (10)

Most kills with a doubleshotgun

hr Skullington has the most downtown defiler kills (18)

Most kills with a downtown defiler

se Lorem has the most dr. al coholic's 4th law kills (15)

Most kills with a dr. al coholic's 4th law

tr TheRoseJr. has the most drunkard's wrath kills (17)

Most kills with a drunkard's wrath

se TAP has the most earthquake kills (27)

Most kills with a earthquake

gb Presto has the most eephus kills (7)

Most kills with a eephus

gb order66.exe has the most efficient eliminator kills (28)

Most kills with a efficient eliminator

gb Boaboa has the most engraving ripsaw kills (69)

Most kills with a engraving ripsaw

ca haydenTGM has the most firearm kills (9)

Most kills with a firearm

gb NiceHotCupOfBro has the most flamed feedback kills (10)

Most kills with a flamed feedback

gb NiceHotCupOfBro has the most flare launcher kills (23)

Most kills with a flare launcher

no Onkalo has the most flaregun kills (21)

Most kills with a flaregun

ru ム X_foks ム has the most frag grenade kills (21)

Most kills with a frag grenade

pl MarSen has the most freedom fighter kills (25)

Most kills with a freedom fighter

cz s-M has the most gang-rat's greaser kills (34)

Most kills with a gang-rat's greaser

us Golfing Threat has the most general's garand kills (13)

Most kills with a general's garand

us Golfing Threat has the most glasgow grinner kills (6)

Most kills with a glasgow grinner

us CRAZY engineer has the most grim charger kills (3)

Most kills with a grim charger

gb Zlo_ has the most hard-hitting hardware kills (41)

Most kills with a hard-hitting hardware

us TheSharpFixer has the most haymaker-5000 kills (2)

Most kills with a haymaker-5000

us Johnathan HellDiver has the most honcho hunter kills (71)

Most kills with a honcho hunter

us Eyedol9000 has the most hunter killer kills (10)

Most kills with a hunter killer

ru BaBaraBoss has the most hydraulic hammers kills (3)

Most kills with a hydraulic hammers

il simple lad has the most iron will kills (5)

Most kills with a iron will

ca moon lord has the most ironclad construction kills (4)

Most kills with a ironclad construction

mx FlameMind has the most jolly rancher kills (13)

Most kills with a jolly rancher

ro Cpt. Buttucks Commiesbad has the most knife kills (22)

Most kills with a knife

us El Campesino has the most krakpot's krinkov kills (13)

Most kills with a krakpot's krinkov

us hairypothead has the most lmg kills (12)

Most kills with a lmg

de Zuki has the most lord of the house kills (3)

Most kills with a lord of the house

ru anonymous has the most major's mark kills (29)

Most kills with a major's mark

fi K has the most maniac's massacre machine kills (18)

Most kills with a maniac's massacre machine

cr Suicidal Mirror has the most mechanical maulers kills (24)

Most kills with a mechanical maulers

ua Девид Блейн has the most minigun kills (30)

Most kills with a minigun

gb order66.exe has the most modern compound kills (57)

Most kills with a modern compound

no Onkalo has the most napalm blaster kills (80)

Most kills with a napalm blaster

us Obsidian has the most nuclear football kills (8)

Most kills with a nuclear football

fr Noémie The FemPyro has the most number 29 kills (9)

Most kills with a number 29

cr Suicidal Mirror has the most ol' brimstone kills (43)

Most kills with a ol' brimstone

ru Birb gaming has the most operational foxhounds kills (55)

Most kills with a operational foxhounds

ru Nathanchekk has the most peacemaker kills (7)

Most kills with a peacemaker

ua strange man in strange land has the most phazer b33/m kills (22)

Most kills with a phazer b33/m

no Soup has the most pistol kills (12)

Most kills with a pistol

be Halycon has the most propain kills (41)

Most kills with a propain

jp Vincent van Gogh has the most protonium ray-caster kills (10)

Most kills with a protonium ray-caster

gb Presto has the most prypiat papasha kills (13)

Most kills with a prypiat papasha

us Shara has the most pyromaniac's pocket rocket kills (10)

Most kills with a pyromaniac's pocket rocket

ru pororo4423 has the most quad-off kills (14)

Most kills with a quad-off

se dog has the most quad-radical detonator kills (14)

Most kills with a quad-radical detonator

cz s-M has the most rain-maker kills (53)

Most kills with a rain-maker

us Eyedol9000 has the most reznov's butcher kills (10)

Most kills with a reznov's butcher

ua Дід Грибубля :) has the most risky razors kills (2)

Most kills with a risky razors

ua strange man in strange land has the most royal flush (spy) kills (57)

Most kills with a royal flush (spy)

us Yazorock has the most rpg kills (108)

Most kills with a rpg

us Eyedol9000 has the most ruchnaya pushka kills (23)

Most kills with a ruchnaya pushka

gb tre malone' has the most scatterbrain kills (106)

Most kills with a scatterbrain

us I1eqal has the most solar flare kills (21)

Most kills with a solar flare

us Zin has the most spark shower kills (23)

Most kills with a spark shower

ru Business Cat | #UpdateTF2 has the most spas-12 (engineer) kills (29)

Most kills with a spas-12 (engineer)

cz s-M has the most spas-12 (soldier) kills (17)

Most kills with a spas-12 (soldier)

br Nimbussy has the most speedster's side-kick kills (6)

Most kills with a speedster's side-kick

de Mimikyu has the most sphere kills (9)

Most kills with a sphere

ru Business Cat | #UpdateTF2 has the most standard issue kills (33)

Most kills with a standard issue

ru ム X_foks ム has the most tactigatling kills (45)

Most kills with a tactigatling

no Onkalo has the most ten-gauge terror kills (37)

Most kills with a ten-gauge terror

br the eraser has the most throwing knives kills (3)

Most kills with a throwing knives

de Mimikyu has the most traumahawk kills (4)

Most kills with a traumahawk

ru お茶|eeepozar has the most trench sweeper kills (35)

Most kills with a trench sweeper

ua strange man in strange land has the most trench_buster kills (18)

Most kills with a trench_buster

fr Hooly has the most ultimatum kills (24)

Most kills with a ultimatum

ie TheFoxWhoLaughed has the most un-chained fury kills (9)

Most kills with a un-chained fury

tr abrEch has the most unfortunate son kills (31)

Most kills with a unfortunate son

us Obsidian has the most vintage second amendment kills (17)

Most kills with a vintage second amendment

dk Bangsgaard has the most westerner's wild-card kills (20)

Most kills with a westerner's wild-card

ru InsemiNATION #SaveTF2 has the most Deflect (Rocket) kills (7)

Most kills with a Deflect (Rocket)

ru ⱤɆĐ₥Ø has the most Deflect (Sticky Bomb) kills (2)

Most kills with a Deflect (Sticky Bomb)

no Onkalo has the most Grenade (Sticky Bomb) kills (26)

Most kills with a Grenade (Sticky Bomb)

ru MAKS100500 has the most Projectile (Rocket) kills (19)

Most kills with a Projectile (Rocket)

sa HazOrU has the most Sentry (Level 1) kills (20)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 1)

gb NiceHotCupOfBro has the most Sentry (Level 2) kills (14)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 2)

dk Bangsgaard has the most Sentry (Level 3) kills (27)

Most kills with a Sentry (Level 3)

ru InsemiNATION #SaveTF2 has the most Shotgun (Engineer) kills (9)

Most kills with a Shotgun (Engineer)

jp Vincent van Gogh has the most attitude adjuster kills (43)

Most kills with a attitude adjuster

us El Campesino has the most backup plan kills (17)

Most kills with a backup plan

gb Boaboa has the most baikal boomstick kills (35)

Most kills with a baikal boomstick

ua strange man in strange land has the most big50_rifle kills (12)

Most kills with a big50_rifle

de Zuki has the most check printer kills (9)

Most kills with a check printer

us Johnathan HellDiver has the most chicago typewriter kills (38)

Most kills with a chicago typewriter

gr Pum has the most festive twig (soldier) kills (1)

Most kills with a festive twig (soldier)

ru InsemiNATION #SaveTF2 has the most flamethrower kills (99)

Most kills with a flamethrower

gb BatteriesAAAAA has the most flight-breaker flakker kills (12)

Most kills with a flight-breaker flakker

tr TheRoseJr. has the most gun-show kills (6)

Most kills with a gun-show

gb order66.exe has the most karate! kills (2)

Most kills with a karate!

es Ilya [ESP] has the most m-00n beam kills (6)

Most kills with a m-00n beam

no Onkalo has the most madman's hatchet kills (2)

Most kills with a madman's hatchet

ua strange man in strange land has the most ol' handy-dandy kills (9)

Most kills with a ol' handy-dandy

ru ✿mayday✿ has the most poacher's pride kills (8)

Most kills with a poacher's pride

mk SOUR has the most primed directive kills (38)

Most kills with a primed directive

pt i am speed has the most proof of authority kills (22)

Most kills with a proof of authority

ru BaBaraBoss has the most proxymine kills (41)

Most kills with a proxymine

ua Dani has the most rifleman's runt kills (18)

Most kills with a rifleman's runt

ru MokoronDrake has the most searing sanctifier kills (17)

Most kills with a searing sanctifier

ru zaraza has the most sonar shot kills (10)

Most kills with a sonar shot

ru Beep Boy has the most spanner kills (14)

Most kills with a spanner

us є-кηιgнт has the most spas-12 (pyro) kills (8)

Most kills with a spas-12 (pyro)

de Zuki has the most speedster's six-shooter kills (13)

Most kills with a speedster's six-shooter

de Mimikyu has the most titanium torcher kills (21)

Most kills with a titanium torcher

us fat has the most twisted champion's blade kills (10)

Most kills with a twisted champion's blade

fr Noémie The FemPyro has the most fr Noémie The FemPyro kills (20)

Most kills with a Noémie The FemPyro

ua pyro & eingeneer main has the most w.a.l.l kills (5)

Most kills with a w.a.l.l

de Notfire has the most Anti-Aircraft Gun kills (41)

Most kills with a Anti-Aircraft Gun

gb Zlo_ has the most Death (Bleed) kills (23)

Most kills with a Death (Bleed)

gb AKnight has the most Death (Generic Bomb) kills (5)

Most kills with a Death (Generic Bomb)

no Onkalo has the most Dynamite Pack (Bomblet) kills (13)

Most kills with a Dynamite Pack (Bomblet)

gb Boaboa has the most Grenade (Pipebomb) kills (48)

Most kills with a Grenade (Pipebomb)

ru Max has the most aggressive frontier kills (9)

Most kills with a aggressive frontier

ua dont shit! be patient! has the most arctic warfare patroller kills (24)

Most kills with a arctic warfare patroller

fi Volter has the most australian assaulter kills (7)

Most kills with a australian assaulter

ru BaBaraBoss has the most backsaber kills (43)

Most kills with a backsaber

gb NiceHotCupOfBro has the most big buddy kills (25)

Most kills with a big buddy

gb JU-87 luftwaffle(S.R.N 4) has the most blood donor kills (3)

Most kills with a blood donor

se Tochkin has the most clean sweep kills (8)

Most kills with a clean sweep

gb tre malone' has the most combat rifle kills (57)

Most kills with a combat rifle

pl Mimon12 has the most construction expert kills (2)

Most kills with a construction expert

lt neilassedys has the most control freak kills (14)

Most kills with a control freak

fr DR_Symb1ot3 has the most cyclops kills (90)

Most kills with a cyclops

no Onkalo has the most double-tap kills (19)

Most kills with a double-tap

gb WEEBHATER69 has the most economist's short-stick kills (59)

Most kills with a economist's short-stick

fr Hamas Enjoyer has the most eviction notice kills (5)

Most kills with a eviction notice

no Onkalo has the most executive's dealbreaker kills (46)

Most kills with a executive's dealbreaker

us MC&D Agent has the most fists kills (2)

Most kills with a fists

tr TheRoseJr. has the most tr TheRoseJr. kills (22)

Most kills with a TheRoseJr.

gb Boaboa has the most g4mm-alpha particle pistol kills (36)

Most kills with a g4mm-alpha particle pistol

no Onkalo has the most great divider kills (8)

Most kills with a great divider

ru not a corpse anymore has the most grimm omen kills (2)

Most kills with a grimm omen

ru BaBaraBoss has the most informant's infiltrator kills (20)

Most kills with a informant's infiltrator

us hairypothead has the most inquisitor kills (12)

Most kills with a inquisitor

mk SOUR has the most mann-buster kills (10)

Most kills with a mann-buster

au Brighteyes-dono has the most mechanic burst pistol kills (12)

Most kills with a mechanic burst pistol

it RadiantGame has the most nailgun kills (34)

Most kills with a nailgun

it RadiantGame has the most pocket mortar kills (98)

Most kills with a pocket mortar

de Space-Craft has the most practitioner's pride kills (5)

Most kills with a practitioner's pride

gb Boaboa has the most pumpkindeath kills (3)

Most kills with a pumpkindeath

fr Noémie The FemPyro has the most saboteur's sabre kills (17)

Most kills with a saboteur's sabre

fr DR_Symb1ot3 has the most slam blaster kills (64)

Most kills with a slam blaster

ie TheFoxWhoLaughed has the most spitfire kills (27)

Most kills with a spitfire

tr TheRoseJr. has the most taser kills (16)

Most kills with a taser

pe cake has the most thumper kills (10)

Most kills with a thumper

ru Max has the most ubersaw kills (16)

Most kills with a ubersaw

us L1rker has the most volatile compound kills (10)

Most kills with a volatile compound

gb Boaboa has the most wire tap kills (10)

Most kills with a wire tap

us AlmyriganHero has the most Taunt Kill (Heavy) kills (1)

Most kills with a Taunt Kill (Heavy)

ru oooaaaeee has the most assault cannon kills (44)

Most kills with a assault cannon

co IFeelVeryHappy has the most buzz-killing machine kills (4)

Most kills with a buzz-killing machine

us ksmizelle has the most ex-vermin 8r kills (8)

Most kills with a ex-vermin 8r

pl Pekiński Big boss has the most hardhat's solution kills (4)

Most kills with a hardhat's solution

de Mimikyu has the most insanerator kills (8)

Most kills with a insanerator

no Onkalo has the most moyai kills (4)

Most kills with a moyai

gb Presto has the most saratov survivalist kills (4)

Most kills with a saratov survivalist

fr Dullscythe has the most slithering shank kills (2)

Most kills with a slithering shank

ru anonymous has the most assassin's assailant kills (18)

Most kills with a assassin's assailant

ru МГЕ яйцеклетка has the most breacher's ramshackle ripper kills (6)

Most kills with a breacher's ramshackle ripper

ru _v has the most comet storm kills (3)

Most kills with a comet storm

ru МГЕ яйцеклетка has the most doctor's self-care kills (4)

Most kills with a doctor's self-care

cr Suicidal Mirror has the most gaelic gibber kills (16)

Most kills with a gaelic gibber

br Verdimensional has the most br Verdimensional kills (5)

Most kills with a Verdimensional

gb Angry19 has the most medical administration kills (3)

Most kills with a medical administration

ru Business Cat | #UpdateTF2 has the most scattergun kills (143)

Most kills with a scattergun

de SwitzerlandSnoozer has the most unusual tale of tragedy kills (10)

Most kills with a unusual tale of tragedy

mk SOUR has the most Dynamite Pack kills (11)

Most kills with a Dynamite Pack

ua The Senate has the most aimed agent kills (10)

Most kills with a aimed agent

ru Beep Boy has the most arbalest's bolter kills (10)

Most kills with a arbalest's bolter

ie TheFoxWhoLaughed has the most blood moon kills (7)

Most kills with a blood moon

fr Noémie The FemPyro has the most bobby's baton kills (18)

Most kills with a bobby's baton

cz s-M has the most elimination imperative kills (54)

Most kills with a elimination imperative

gb JU-87 luftwaffle(S.R.N 4) has the most homerun kills (3)

Most kills with a homerun

ru ム X_foks ム has the most maggot mutilator kills (4)

Most kills with a maggot mutilator

us Harmless has the most striker's shank kills (6)

Most kills with a striker's shank

us Yazorock has the most adjudicator kills (16)

Most kills with a adjudicator

gb NiceHotCupOfBro has the most bone buster kills (4)

Most kills with a bone buster

us MercyPlayz has the most festive twig (demoman) kills (3)

Most kills with a festive twig (demoman)

ro Tardicus Maximus has the most gravy maker kills (4)

Most kills with a gravy maker

us Sir Green Ant has the most magnetic horseshoe kills (1)

Most kills with a magnetic horseshoe

us El Campesino has the most meteor shower kills (13)

Most kills with a meteor shower

es onixmurcielago has the most molotok kills (6)

Most kills with a molotok

us Yazorock has the most sailor's sea shaker kills (18)

Most kills with a sailor's sea shaker

gb lememaidendude has the most shovel kills (5)

Most kills with a shovel

gb Bruhomer has the most umbrella kills (24)

Most kills with a umbrella

de Notfire has the most Death (Jumppad Stomp) kills (1)

Most kills with a Death (Jumppad Stomp)

gb Toxicity has the most bat kills (4)

Most kills with a bat

ca VESPIDUS has the most enforcer's executioner kills (12)

Most kills with a enforcer's executioner

it RadiantGame has the most fool's catch .22 kills (16)

Most kills with a fool's catch .22

us I1eqal has the most harvester kills (6)

Most kills with a harvester

ru DadCoach has the most jezebel kills (12)

Most kills with a jezebel

ru cat(f2p) has the most shooting star kills (2)

Most kills with a shooting star

es onixmurcielago has the most spas-12 (heavy) kills (5)

Most kills with a spas-12 (heavy)

ru not a corpse anymore has the most Shotgun (Pyro) kills (6)

Most kills with a Shotgun (Pyro)

ru not a corpse anymore has the most fireaxe kills (2)

Most kills with a fireaxe

de Mimikyu has the most reconstruction syrup (melee) kills (4)

Most kills with a reconstruction syrup (melee)

no Onkalo has the most taunt_pyro kills (2)

Most kills with a taunt_pyro

ua Dani has the most taunt_soldier kills (3)

Most kills with a taunt_soldier

kz Wilson Frendli has the most festive twig (medic) kills (2)

Most kills with a festive twig (medic)

de Zuki has the most hunterrifle kills (12)

Most kills with a hunterrifle

us Harmless has the most .40 dual elites kills (42)

Most kills with a .40 dual elites

ru Jotaro Kujo has the most electic electrocutor kills (8)

Most kills with a electic electrocutor

no Onkalo has the most hack n' slasher kills (2)

Most kills with a hack n' slasher

no Onkalo has the most huntsman kills (70)

Most kills with a huntsman

fr Dullscythe has the most iron boarder kills (1)

Most kills with a iron boarder

ru Nathanchekk has the most lil' mate kills (3)

Most kills with a lil' mate

gb Presto has the most little willy kills (3)

Most kills with a little willy

ru poopoopeepee has the most trench shank kills (4)

Most kills with a trench shank

no Onkalo has the most Shotgun (Soldier) kills (5)

Most kills with a Shotgun (Soldier)

no Onkalo has the most barbarian's blasting bucket kills (2)

Most kills with a barbarian's blasting bucket

us Herr Kartoffel has the most brickhouse beatdown kills (9)

Most kills with a brickhouse beatdown

no Onkalo has the most club kills (11)

Most kills with a club

ru Минон | GUNGSs has the most direct source kills (1)

Most kills with a direct source

pe cake has the most masterkey kills (3)

Most kills with a masterkey

gb Boaboa has the most sandmate kills (3)

Most kills with a sandmate

ru InsemiNATION #SaveTF2 has the most smg kills (11)

Most kills with a smg

pl CAPTAIN SLOW has the most ant-a-jar kills (1)

Most kills with a ant-a-jar

gb tre malone' has the most deflect_sticky kills (1)

Most kills with a deflect_sticky

gb order66.exe has the most pistol_scout kills (11)

Most kills with a pistol_scout

gb Boaboa has the most revolver kills (48)

Most kills with a revolver

gb Boaboa has the most terminal killocity kills (1)

Most kills with a terminal killocity

ru Yanaka has the most bushman's tracker kills (1)

Most kills with a bushman's tracker

us RoyalKingCraft has the most festive twig (scout) kills (1)

Most kills with a festive twig (scout)

ru karsakov77 has the most super syringe gun kills (4)

Most kills with a super syringe gun

no Onkalo has the most wrench kills (2)

Most kills with a wrench

ru lowquality.bread has the most pacificateur kills (4)

Most kills with a pacificateur

ru BaBaraBoss has the most crooked cleaver kills (45)

Most kills with a crooked cleaver

us King De has the most great equalizer kills (28)

Most kills with a great equalizer

pl LostContact1 has the most timeless terrorizer kills (234)

Most kills with a timeless terrorizer

ru Waffle Fox has the most degrader kills (2)

Most kills with a degrader

ru zaraza has the most fishwhacker kills (2)

Most kills with a fishwhacker

ro Cpt. Buttucks Commiesbad has the most taxpayer's collector kills (4)

Most kills with a taxpayer's collector

ro Tardicus Maximus has the most telefrag kills (1)

Most kills with a telefrag

us crippling autism has the most festive twig (heavy) kills (3)

Most kills with a festive twig (heavy)

fi Sayori has the most Syringe Gun kills (3)

Most kills with a Syringe Gun

us Cobalt has the most Shotgun (Heavy) kills (1)

Most kills with a Shotgun (Heavy)

il Heavy Kujo has the most combatant directive kills (24)

Most kills with a combatant directive

gb NiceHotCupOfBro has the most festive twig (pyro) kills (1)

Most kills with a festive twig (pyro)

ru Palistar has the most coilgun kills (2)

Most kills with a coilgun

ua strange man in strange land has the most steel commander kills (10)

Most kills with a steel commander

il simple lad has the most deflect_coilgun kills (1)

Most kills with a deflect_coilgun

ua pyro & eingeneer main has the most festive twig (sniper) kills (1)

Most kills with a festive twig (sniper)

dk Bangsgaard has the most tf_projectile_sentryrocket kills (1)

Most kills with a tf_projectile_sentryrocket

gb Boaboa has the most speedcane kills (60)

Most kills with a speedcane

no Onkalo has the most taunt_sniper kills (1)

Most kills with a taunt_sniper

om Dealmaker has the most barrakada kills (17)

Most kills with a barrakada

fr Mister Nothingman has the most shellraiser kills (13)

Most kills with a shellraiser